I have always been a frugal gal, first out of necessity and now because it just makes good sense. If it's not on sale I usually don't buy it. I don't have the patience for clipping coupons but clearance sales are my weakness especially when it comes to fabric. I consistently surf the web and visit numerous fabric sites on a daily basis. I have stumbled upon some awesome discounts out there. Some of the fabrics I probably would not have purchased otherwise and when I receive them I am quite surprised at the "booty" I have acquired. Most of the discounted fabrics are from older lines and usually not the main attraction of those lines, but the excellent quality remains the same. I can receive several shipments per week of a jumble of fabrics that I bought on a whim and sometimes I forget exactly what is coming. I'm always pleasantly surprised at the eclectic mix of colors and patterns I end up with and totally tickled when a fabulous combo presents itself by accident. More than once I have looked over to a chaotic pile of fabrics and see a divine combination that had been thrown together my accident. I think I can hear the angels sing! I grab the impressive combo and set it aside so I don't forget the magical pairing and EVENTUALLY I will do something with it, I will, I promise....eventually!
Here are some of the fabrics I received last week as a result of a few choice sales! None of these fabrics were over $5.00/yard and most even less! They came from a range of shops, some online some "brick and mortar".

Innocent Crush Charm Pack 50% off - $5.95 (22 charms)
Gypsy Charm Pack 50% off - $2.50 (12 charms)
Who woulda thunk?
Tina Givens Tree Top Fancy & Amy Butler Midwest Modern

Jennifer Paganelli Flower Power & Tina Givens Tree Top Fancy

Michael Miller Boho Blossom & P & B Textiles Elanor's Picnic
Great deals!