Friday, June 3, 2011

Incommunicado, or what?

I know, I know...where the heck have I been? Too busy for my own good, that's where I've been. It's a busy time of year, graduations, birthdays, parties, street markets, etc... Sewing has been limited, just no time. So I've been satisfying my creative needs by plopping on the couch and crocheting after a long day of busy-ness. Afghans, totes, scarves, hats...just in time for summer! I was able to make a sweet baby quilt for a friend and I'm beginning to look at my fabric stash with fresh eyes. The craziness has almost subsided and my sewing machine and I will be inseparable once a few weeks...if I survive!

Eliza Jayne
2011 High School Graduate!


  1. Welcome back! I have always thought that May is so much busier than December! Your time away was just at that right time.

  2. Since early of the year till May, I have been tatting all day and night. But once my quilting mojo is back, I have been quilting non-stop and there is always a new quilt to make. One is still in the planning stage but I think it will be cutting next week when I start FMQ one of the tops that are ready.

    I guess we need to give ourself a break from quilting (but not blogging, eh?).

  3. I would love to invite you to a SF clothing Swap with next week: Use code swaplove for 50% off tickets. There will be food, wine and Free LULUS.COM clothes.
