Friday, March 18, 2011

A Quilt for Elias

A perfect opportunity to create a baby quilt...a new baby boy named Elias! I considered using Ready Set Go, by Anne Kelle but then remembered my charm pack of Wee Woodland by Keiki. I had purchased it months ago because it was just so gosh darn cute and now I had an excuse to use it. I simply sewed the charms together, making a panel of 5 charms by 6 charms. I then added a boarder of Kona Maize and then another boarder of the remaining charms, cut in half and sewed together, end to end. Another boarder of Kona Maize and a funky, cocoa, zebra binding! I didn't have enough charms for the back so I used Night Owl and added strips of Garden Party and Meadowsweet and more Kona Maize. I absolutely love the cute little woodland creatures, the charming acorns and mushrooms and the kooky owls on the back with the stars and moons. Measures 32" x 36", straight line quilted with Warm and Natural batting.

I hope this quilt keeps Elias warm and cozy in his little house in the woods!


  1. Inspired choice of binding, I might have to get me some zebra print! :)

  2. I love the owl fabric! I used that on a purse.
    What a fun quilt!

  3. So cute! The zebra binding is awesome!

  4. ahh this quilt is just perfect.. i love it.. i just found your blog and i have to watch you! beautiful works! i admire your beautiful quilts!!!!!!
