Sunday, December 19, 2010

Renegade Craft Fair - San Francisco

The Renegade Craft Fair is turning into an annual event for me! Once again I took the trek to San Francisco with a coupla friends and we made a day of it. The torrential rains and crazy city traffic did not hinder us from our quest. Once inside the Concourse Exhibition Center we enjoyed the hundreds of indie artists and their unique handmade items including clothing, houseware, posters and prints, plush items, ceramics, jewerly, stationary and lots more. Always FREE to attend. An inspiring experience with cool music, tasty food and a very authentic, creative vibe in which to wander.

Marisa Haedike from Creative Thursday was there, oh my!
I was lucky enough to meet her and gush about my love of her inspiring blog and her delightful art. I picked up stack of her adorable Christmas cards, which reminds me...I'd better get those written and mailed TODAY!

I came away from the fair with these lovely treaures.
Those darling, fabric covered magnets from Cookie and the Dude, will be tucked into a few Christmas stockings, I will, of course, save a few for myself! I instantly thought of my Little Muffin when I saw the tote with a sweet, little, winged Chihuahua. Oh, how my daughter will love it! Unbleached, cotton dishtowels with silk screened teacups had me at "hello". Check out more hip designs at The Heated. It was a fun and festive day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my such a wonderful fair and i wish i stay close to go! Thanks so much for sharing your photos with us! So many many talented artist and so wonderful to see sweet Marisa! I am a huge fan. :) Have a lovely merry happy week and love to yoU!

